I know its not a big deal to select and change pieces of text one by one, but if you have a lot of slides it can really help. The analogous mac command Cmd- or Cmd- doesnt seem to work. Expand the Text Box controls and select the ‘Do not Autofit’ option. Right-click the text box, and select Size and Position from the context menu. Click the Text box button and draw the text box on the current slide. Clicking it should import the Font Theme to your presentation and if you save the presentation as a template, it should be there for all users of the template. On the PC you can select all the text inside the box (ctl-A) and then ctl- increases all fonts by one size, while ctl- decreases all fonts by one size. Open PowerPoint and go to the Insert tab. Once the file is in place, restart PowerPoint, open the presentation, click View → Master → Slide Master, then click the 'Fonts' dropdown and the 'Helvetica Neue' Font Theme should be available for selection. You can browse to this location in Finder by holding ⌥ while clicking the 'Go' menu item to go to the 'Library'. Then save the file at the following location: ~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content/Themes/Theme Fonts/Helvetica Neue.xml Copy and paste the following into a text editor (I recommend Visual Studio Code, but any plain-text capable text editor like TextEdit will do):
However, it's simple enough to create a Font Theme of your own. It's not possible to create a Font Theme in PowerPoint 2016 for Mac, it's only possible on the Windows version, for some reason.